Employer: Tanzania Forestry Research Institute TAFORI
Date Published: 2018-01-05
Application Deadline: 2018-01-19
Able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of principle of new public Management and familiar with research reforms; ii. Good leadership skills and qualities; iii. Able to communicate with proven interpersonal skills; iv. Veracity in critical management skills of transformation leadership, action planning, performance and total quality management, team building, decision making, problem solving and change management.
i. Chief Executive Officer of the Institute;
ii. Accounting Officer of the Institute;
iii. Responsible to the Board of Directors;
iv. Overall in-charge of planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the
Institute’s activities;
v. Ensures that the organization’s research and other scientific and administrative
activities are of the highest standard and reflect national priorities;
vi. Responsible for interpretation and implementation of technical, financial, legal
and administrative policies of the Institute;
vii. Chief spokesman of the Institute;
viii. Makes sure the role of forestry research is well known to the policy makers both
at national and international levels;
ix. Ensures incorporation of modern technologies in the institute activities down to
centre level
x. Ensures that forestry research results are made available to the
stakeholders/end-users; and
xi. Chief overseer of Forestry Research in the Institute.
i. Holder of PhD Degree in Forestry from a recognized University with at least 10
years of forestry research experience and 12 scientific papers published in the
internationally recognized Journals after attaining the PhD qualifications and 5
years of Administrative experience.
ii. Must be Computer literate in programmes applicable in forestry research
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